Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Peacocks and the Past Afoot

Besides the momentary excitement of the impressive NYFD prototype boat (fresh from the factory), that docked steps away from our vessel, peacocks and the past have been flooding my mind.

I took the boys to The Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park.  As we entered, we were greeted by traditional and white peacocks. Strange music filled the air (piped in from hidden speakers cloaked in the spanish moss canopy above).  We were transported in all but body to a mystical land.  Despite the incredible experience of drinking water from the same source they discovered over five hundred years ago, it was the Timucuan Indians who stirred my soul.  The living museum was a reminder that the ground we trod on had once been a peaceful community living in harmony with nature.  They were entirely slaughtered by the "brave Spanish explorers" who landed on their paradise and crushed them as they tried to rape all they could from the earth.  Blake and I had a memorable conversation with a young man whose genealogy dated back thousands of years to that fateful day when the white men landed.  After that, we both felt the peacocks eyes were gazing at us with both beauty and sadness.  I do believe that his generation will vindicate Native Americans by true remembrance of fact rather than rewritten history which glorifies so much wrongdoing.

O.K.  Let me climb down from my soapbox and speak now of my most elusive comrade...Monsieur Memory.  A dear friend from twenty years ago reached out to my sister on Facebook trying to contact me.  My first response...that was soooooo long ago.  I felt ancient.  Clearing away the mist of years past, I remembered those days of youth.  So much ahead.  So intent on following passions.  Trying to trace the path of my life.  Complicated ground.  Which led me full circle.  To the now, to the voyage of discovery, to a partial mid-life crisis out of which blooms creativity, clarity, and contentment.  There are few forces stronger than the soul of a mother in her forties!  Which of course leads to a Happy Mother's Day for all the Mom's out there and to the men who are men enough to mother in their own masculine way while loving the Mom's in their lives.  That's confusing but, you get the point.  That's all for now, folks.


  1. Love you, and just know: 40 can be cool and young too... the new youth, depends on how you look at it!!!

  2. So, how is it, darling girl, that you know anything about being in one's forties, when I feel hardly there yet myself?! I sit here with tears welling up in my eyes, having just read your words which move me deeply.

    I knew at the time I might regret not visiting that fountain of youth with you and Daddy and your boys but ... PEACOCKS!?! And what a terrible story to go along with it! There are certain stories from history that are unbearable and I sometimes wonder if it isn't better NOT to hear them. They say if we are unaware, we are at risk of repeating them, but I sometimes think they are used as precedent, as a justification for perpetrating similar crimes. Ah, me. Love has got to be the answer. And so I sign this with LOVE---for all of you; but also with the hope that those who cannot feel it now will learn to through the love of others. M
