Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Moonlight Music

We so enjoyed having some new neighbors that broke out of the usual mold...excellent musicians on their journey with joy and good will.  What a change from the bitter sourpuss whose only noises were complaints and criticism!

Their music made all of us in love with life...for the precious fleeting moments we are sharing.

We are enduring the heat surprisingly well...making each other laugh...and dreaming of August nights in Maine.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great, motley, full-of-life crew in your neighboring berth, to say nothing of the snazzy fireboat on its way to NY. So delighted to see these most recent postings and to know that you are away from the malevelance of the nasty crone of the South. Reflecting back on our visit, there was an odd sense of foreboding about that vessel, and by extension,its occupant. Good riddance. Wish we had been there to meet/hear your new shipmates. They appear to be a much more jovial lot.

    We, too, are looking forward to the summer and time at Moosehead. Should be very special this year now that the boys are older. Wonder how Dante is going to respond to the Camp and its high rafters which so intrigued him last time. There is talk of trying to get a kayak or something comparable for the kids to fool around with this year. We'll see. Tell John he's "on" for a special dinner or two. M was delighted with your card and the special offer. Haven't looked at Blake's blog yet but will do so and get back to him, our little "Captain Courageous," of whom we are proud as peacocks! Love to you and All! Keep the narrative alive and the images to supplement. Collectively, they make for one great yarn. Imagine what the boys will think when they look back on it all! What an adventure.

    Love, D & M
