Friday, December 18, 2009

Cabin Fever

It was bound to strike.  The dreaded phrase...the silent torturer...the demise of many a happy crew!  CABIN FEVER!!!  I'm not talking about the "sailing boredom" that some books reference with questionable authority.  I'm speaking of the the type of complaining and horseplay that would drive any mother, clinging to any spiderweb of sanity, to plunge deep within the icy water and seek immediate spa treatments.  It was short lived.  The whining from both boys came to a grinding halt as I channeled Salacia, howling louder than the wind to all on board, ENOUGH!  After extensive dock running and human pyramids, peace was restored...and then our beautiful dolphin shadows returned.  I am sure that they sense the energy radiating from the different vessels!

We arrived in Southport, NC yesterday.  Initially, we were going to try to push on another 140 miles to be in Charleston by Christmas.  However, the wonderful free docks dripping with character, local ice cream  candy parlors, wide sidewalks ending in snug library chairs, and sailing friends Bill and Rob tied up next hatch convinced us to remain here until the 26th.

May you be discovering your own unexpected small surprises and good samaritans this holiday season.



  1. Sorry it's only the first post, but it took an hour to figure out! Computers!!! We love all the videos/pictures/posts and have been watching/reading. So nice to see what you've been doing. We are perhaps getting 20" of snow tonight! Hope you are snug. We send our love, C

  2. Darling Girl,

    What a delightful narrative and accompanying videos. It was a particular delight to see the boys running and carrying-on. Also, old "King Edward", c'est a dire, the Mad Captain, or old Neptune was a howl. So despite the close quarters and cabin fever, sounds and looks like you are all making the best of it.

    Did you and Blake ever catch any more edible fish? Just wondering. You will be pleased to know that the whole eastern seabord above NC is being beaten-up by a nasty winter storm. The L's are going to have over 2 feet of snow! Not sure what we will get but it won't be that much. Mom and I are going to a special Christmas candlelight service this evening at our Old First Church. We will be thinking of you and have you all in our prayers.

    Keep the posts coming! It's such a solace to have your narratives and videos on-line. Makes us feel closer to you and part of the virtual voyage. By the way, I saw an interview with James Cameron yesterday, the writer/director of Avatar--the new scifi movie that has just been released in 3-D. It had a few trailers from the movie. Sounds phenomenal and perhaps right up Master Blake's current state of wonder and gamesmanship with video games. Perhaps you can check it out. Oh yes, please tell Blake Bravo! for learning some French. Ca me plait enormement! Love to all our special B's.

    Dad & Mom
