Friday, November 20, 2009


The long awaited reunion finally arrived...the boat looked the small miracle considering all of the men who had been living aboard...John looked completely transformed.  Bearded.  Bemused.  Beautiful.  I felt like Alice descending down the rabbit hole as we departed Cape May.  The 14 hour motor sail to Chesapeake City only deepened my sentiments of confusion.  Crossing the Delaware Canal at midnight was surreal.  I would have sworn I was dreaming except for the fact that I couldn't stop shivering.  John and I spoke of many things...too many things...childcare challenges...middle age not fading...and we followed the little white lights that led us to the city dock around 1:00 AM.  We spent the day searching for moments of surprise.  Beautiful evening picnic of pizza on the town gazebo...another grueling 9 hour motor sail to Annapolis the next day...we were all singing the diesel engine blues!  I am still perplexed at how quickly the children and the felines have adapted to this seems it is hardest for me.  I desire to be barefoot, tan, and carefree yet, I am still bogged down by financial worries and tote bags filled with all sorts of nonsense.  Slow shedding of things in every port is easing the process of my freedom.  Like a snake I'm just taking the time to emerge into my new skin ...Boat people are full of personality...shooting sparks of splendor whenever they speak...truly like they are from a different planet all together. You are dubious I know, but I'll soon send some photos to prove my point!

We all took showers today...Annapolis actually has 1.00 showers reserved for sailors... FABULOUS!!!
French fries from PIPS  tasted like manna in the desert (before they tired of it)  and now Blake and I are ensconced in a magical coffee shop City Dock Cafe owned by a man with infinitely kind eyes named Gordon.  AHHHHH.  Life IS beautiful when you take the time to breathe deeply and aim for the middle.

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