Stubborn is as stubborn does. (What does that mean exactly?) I fiercely refused to give in and admit that our beautiful sons could no longer stay aboard as we finished our final preparations for our beloved home to be safe on the open water. But, somewhere between the snowfall and the concerned call from my father I surrendered myself to the fact that the boys and I needed to abandon ship until John and the cats sailed to slightly warmer waters. Dante, especially, was losing his battle with a bad cold and I realized that perched on a cozy chair in front of my parent's crackling kitchen fireplace was where we needed to be.
Hauling bags off of the boat was bittersweet...ultimately a relief as I watched Blake and Dante's health improve at my parents. Now we have all driven to Virginia to be with my sister Christine, brother-in-law Sam, and two nieces, Catherine and Margaret, for Halloween festivities and general joie de vivre before our voyage.
John has had a revolving cast of great guys who have tasted the salt of the ocean and his tears. Today they are slightly South of Boston. We plan to rendezvous in Annapolis next weekend if all goes well...
My new digital camera arrived in the mail!!! Pictures finally will be forthcoming...hope that all this text alone has not been too DRY...or, as Blake loves to say with the authority of an ancient executioner, boooring!