Monday, April 26, 2010

Friends and Foes

Can you believe our dock neighbor, scurrying in and out of her vessel like a cockroach for the past ten years, repeatedly complained about our family until, at our wits end, we moved to the other side of the marina!  Which leads me to the question...why do some people feed off of misery and discontent???  One of the resident pirates told me that her family has been in St. Augustine for over one hundred years, as has his family.  He shook his head and proclaimed  that each generation of her ancestors was more mean spirited than the next.  As a result of her inner torment, our cats are now harnessed 24/7 and our kids feel they are constantly under surveillance by the noise police.  After plotting my revenge for days,  I've cast away my hatred and like a balm on my wounds, Lulu and Ryan, our dear friends from Maine arrived for a week!!!

Many memories of boogie boards and beaches...late nights and laughter...
How sweet the taste of true friendship!

The boys and I are flying back to Portland July 14th for a months stay at my parent's lodge on
Moosehead Lake.  Can't wait to smell that New England air!

Hope you are all doing well and embracing spring.